

  1. Maddahi A, Leach TR, Saeedi M, Dhannapuneni PR, Maddahi Y, Choukou MA and Zareinia K, (2022), “Roboethics in Remote Human Interactions and Rehabilitative Therapeutics,” Applied Sciences, 12(12), pp. 6033. (IF: 2.838, JCS: 4.5, Q1) Published Link
  2. Saeedi M, Maddahi A, Nassiri AM, Jackson M, and Zareinia K, (2022), “CageView: A Smart Food Control and Monitoring System for Phenotypical Research in Vivo,” Applied Sciences12(10), pp. 4966. (IF: 2.838, JCS: 4.5, Q1) Published Link
  3. Mashayekhi M, Farsad S, Lakhi M, Farhani F, Zareinia K, and Okati V, (2022),  “The Effects of Tube Dimples-protrusions on the Thermo-fluid Behavior of Turbulent Forced Convection,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, ELSEVIER, A35, pp. 102033. (IF: 6.268, Q1) Published Link
  4. Maddahi Y and Zareinia K, (2022), “An Analysis of Power Consumption of Fluid-Driven Robotic Arms Using Isotropy Index: A Proof-of-Concept Simulation-based Study,” Robotics, 11(2), pp. 32. (IF: 3.7, JCS: 5.9, Q1) Published Link
  5. Nazari A, Zareinia K, and Janabi-Sharifi F, (2022), “Visual Servoing of Continuum Robots: Methods, Challenges, and Prospects,” in The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 18(3), pp. e2384. (IF: 2.547) Published Link
  6. Nayyeri P, Zareinia K, and Bougherara H, (2022), “Planar and Nonplanar Slicing Algorithms for Fused Deposition Modeling Technology: A Critical Review,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119, pp. 2785-2810. (IF: 3.226) Published Link
  7. Shojaeizadeh E, Veysi F, Zareinia K, and Mansouri AM, (2022), “Thermal efficiency investigation of a ferrofluid-based flat-plate solar collector under the effect of a non-uniform magnetic field,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 201(A), pp. 117726. (IF: 5.295) Published Link
  8. Giri G, Maddahi Y, and Zareinia K(2021), “A Brief Review on Challenges in Design and Development of Nanorobots for Medical Applications,” Applied Sciences11(21), pp. 10385. (IF: 2.838, JCS: 4.5, Q1) Published Link
  9. Langman S, Capicotto N, Maddahi Y, and Zareinia K, (2021), “Roboethics Principles and Policies in Europe and North America,” Springer Nature, Applied Sciences, 3(12):857(JCI: 0.32) Published Link
  10. Ginoya T, Maddahi Y, and Zareinia K, (2021), ” A Historical Review of Medical Robotic Platforms, ” Journal of Robotics, vol.2021, Article ID 6640031, pp. 13. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6640031 Published Link
  11. Giri GS, Maddahi Y, and Zareinia K, (2021), ” An Application-Based Review of Haptics Technology, ” Robotics, MDPI, 2021, 10(1):29, pp. 18, DOI: 10.3390/robotics10010029 Published Link
  12. Torabi A, Nazari A, Conrad-Baldwin E, Zareinia K, and Tavakoli M, (2021), “Kinematic Design of Linkage-based Haptic Interfaces for Medical Applications: A Review,” Progress in Biomedical Engineering, pp. 022005(IF: 4.7, JCS: 6.9, Q1) Published Link
  13. Maddahi Y, Kalvandi M, Langman S, Capicotto N, and Zareinia K, (2021), “RoboEthics in COVID-19: A Case Study in Dentistry,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI Journal, 8, pp. 612740. (JCI: 0.71) Published Link
  14. Nazari A, Janabi-Sharifi F, and Zareinia K, (2021), “Image-Based Force Estimation in Medical Applications: A Review, ” in IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(7), pp. 8805-8830, April 1, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3052755 ( Impact Factor: 3.78) Published Link
  15. Maddahi Y and Zareinia K, (2020), “Nonparametric Bootstrap Technique to Improve Positional Accuracy in Mobile Robots with Differential Drive Mechanism,” in IEEEAccess, Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3020864, 8, pp.158502-158511, 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.745) Published Link
  16. Hoshyarmanesh H, Zareinia K, Lama S, and Sutherland G, (2021), ” Structural Design of a Microsurgery-specific Haptic Device: neuroArmPLUSHD Prototype, ” Mechatronics, 73, pp. 102481. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102481 ( Impact Factor: 3.498) Published Link
  17. Samadikhoshkho Z, Ghorbani S, Janabi-Sharifi F, and Zareinia K, (2020), “Nonlinear Control of Aerial Manipulation Systems,” Aerospace Science and Technology, 104, pp. 105945. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.105945 (Impact Factor: 2.829) Published Link
  18. Torabi A, Khadem M, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2020), “Using a Redundant User Interface in Teleoperated Surgical Systems for Task Performance Enhancement,” Robotica, 38(10), PP. 1880-1894. DOI: 10.1017/S0263574720000326 (Impact Factor: 1.184) Published Link
  19. Hoshyarmanesh H, Zareinia K, Lama S, Durante B, and Sutherland G, (2020), “Evaluation of Haptic Devices and End-users: Novel Performance Metrics in Tele-Robotic Microsurgery,” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 16(4), PP. e2101. DOI: 10.1002/rcs.2101 (Impact Factor: 1.634) Published Link
  20. Torabi A, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2020), “Dynamic Reconfiguration of Redundant Haptic Interfaces for Rendering Soft and Hard Contacts,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 13(4), pp. 668-678. DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2020.2988495 (Impact Factor: 2.757) Published Link
  21. Torabi A, Khadem M, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2019), “Application of a Redundant Haptic Interface in Enhancing Soft-Tissue Stiffness Discrimination,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 4(2), pp. 1037-1044. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2893606 (Impact factor: 3.6) Published Link
  22. Banthia V, Maddahi A, Zareinia K, Balakrishnan S, and Sepehri N, (2018), “A Lyapunov Stable Controller for Bilateral Haptic Teleoperation of Single-rod Hydraulic Actuators Subjected to Base Disturbance,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 141(3), DOI: 10.1115/1.4041851, pp (031013-1)-(031013-20). (Impact Factor: 1.466) Published Link
  23. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Tomanek B, and Sutherland GR, (2018), “Challenges in Developing a Magnetic Resonance-compatible Haptic Hand-controller for Neurosurgical Training,” Journal of Engineering in Medicine, SAGE Journal, 232(12), DOI:10.1177/0954411918806934, pp. 1148-1167. (Impact Factor: 1.317) Published Link
  24. Sugiyama T, Lama S, Gan LS, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2018), “Forces of Tool-tissue Interaction to Assess Surgical Skill Level,” JAMA Surgery, JAMA Networks, American Medical Association, 2018 Mar; 153(3), DOI: 10.1001/jamasurg.2017.4516, pp. 234-242. (Impact Factor: 10.668, top journal in the category) Published Link
  25. Banthia V, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Liao S, Olson T, Fung WK, Balakrishnan S, and Sepehri N, (2018), “A Prototype Telerobotic Platform for Live Transmission Line Maintenance: Review of Design and Development,” Sage Journals, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40(11), DOI: 10.1177/0142331216687021, pp. 3273-3292. (Impact Factor: 1.956) Published Link
  26. Banthia V, Zareinia K, Balakrishnan S, and Sepehri N, (2017), “A Lyapunov Stable Controller for Bilateral Haptic Teleoperation of Single-rod Hydraulic Actuators,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 139(11), DOI: 10.1115/1.4036535, pp.111001(16). (Impact Factor: 1.466) Published Link
  27. Nelson SL, Proctor DT, Ghasemloonia A, Lama S, Zareinia K, Ahn Y, Al-Saiedy MR, Green FHY, Amrein MW, and Sutherland GR, (2017), “Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumors and Cells,” Theranostics, 7(9), DOI: 10.7150/thno.19172, pp. 2417-2430. (Impact Factor: 8.712, top journal in the category Published Link
  28. Azimaee P, Jozani MJ, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2017), “Nonparametric Bootstrap Technique for Calibrating Surgical SmartForceps: Theory and Application,” Expert Review of Medical Devices, 14(10), DOI: 10.1080/17434440.2017.1378090, pp. 833-843. (Impact Factor: 2.212) Published Link
  29. Ciechanski P, Cheng A, Lopushinsky S, Hecker K, Gan LS, Lang S, Zareinia K, and Kirton A, (2017), “Effects of Transcranial Direct-current Stimulation on Neurosurgical Skill Acquisition: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” World Neurosurgery, ELSEVIER,108, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.08.123, pp. 876-884.e4. (Impact Factor: 1.723) Published Link
  30. Hoshyarmanesh H, Madieh H, Lama S, Maddahi Y, Sutherland GR, and Zareinia K, (2017), “Laser Registration and Supervisory Control of neuroArm Robotic Surgical System,” International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 11(8), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1131557, pp. 1407-1414. Published Link
  31. Hoshyarmanesh H, Abbasi A, Moein P, Ghodsi M, Khandan R, and Zareinia K, (2017), “Design and Implementation of an Accurate, Portable, and Time-efficient Impedance-based Transceiver for Structural Health Monitoring,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(6), Dec.2017, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2017.2761902, pp. 2809-2814. (Impact Factor: 4.943, top journal in the category) Published Link
  32. Sugiyama T, Gan LS, Zareinia K, Lama S, and Sutherland GR, (2017), “Tool-tissue Interaction Forces in Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Surgery,” World Neurosurgery, ELSEVIER, 102, June 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.03.006, pp. 221-228. (Impact Factor: 1.723) Published Link
  33. Hoshyarmanesh H, Rezvani Dastgerdi H, Ghodsi M, Khandan R, and Zareinia K, (2017), “Numerical and Experimental Vibration Analysis of Olive Tree for Optimal Mechanized Harvesting Efficiency and Productivity,” Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, ELSEVIER,132, Jan.2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2016.11.014, pp. 34-48. (Impact Factor: 3.171) Published Link
  34. Ghasemloonia A, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Lama S, Dort J, and Sutherland GR, (2017), “Surgical Skill Assessment using Motion Quality and Smoothness,” Journal of Surgical Education, ELSEVIER,74(2), March-April 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2016.10.006, pp. 295-305. (Impact Factor: 2.209) Published Link
  35. Cox E, Ghasemloonia A, Nakoneshny SC, Zareinia K, Hudon M, Lysack J, Sutherland GR, and Dort JC, (2017), “Improved Transoral Surgical Tool Design by CT Measurements of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx,” Journal of Robotic Surgery, Springer, 11(2), DOI: 10.1007/s11701-016-0639-z, pp. 179-185. (Impact factor: 1.64). Published Link
  36. Ghasemloonia A, Baxandall S, Zareinia K, Lui JT, Dort JC, Sutherland GR, and Chan S, (2016), “Evaluation of Haptic Interfaces for Simulation of Drill Vibration in Virtual Temporal Bone Surgery,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, ELSEVIER,78, Nov.2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2016.09.005, pp. 9-17. (Impact Factor: 2.286) Published Link
  37. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Sutherland C, Lama S, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Treatment of Glioma using neuroArm Surgical System: A Clinical Study,” BioMed Research International, Article ID 9734512, DOI: 10.1155/2016/9734512, pp. 8. (Impact Factor: 2.583) Published Link
  38. Zareinia K, Maddahi Y, Gan LS, Ghasemloonia A, Lama S, Sugiyama T, Yang FW, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “A Force-sensing Bipolar Forceps to Quantify Tool-tissue Interaction Forces in Microsurgery,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(5), Oct.2016, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2016.2563384, pp. 2365-2376. (Impact Factor: 4.943, top journal in the category) Published Link
  39. Maddahi Y, Ghasemloonia A, Zareinia K, Sepehri N, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Quantifying Force and Positional Frequency Bands in Neurosurgical Tasks,” Journal of Robotic Surgery, Springer,10(2), DOI: 10.1007/s11701-016-0561-4, pp. 97-102. Impact Factor: 1.64), Published Link
  40. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Sepehri N, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Surgical Tool Motion during Conventional Freehand and Robot-assisted Microsurgery Conducted using neuroArm,” Journal of Advanced Robotics, Taylor & Francis,30(9), DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2016.1142394, pp. 621-633. (Impact Factor: 1.104) Published Link
  41. Maddahi Y, Gan LS, Zareinia K, Lama S, Sepehri N, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Quantifying Workspace and Forces of Surgical Dissection during Robot-Assisted Neurosurgery,” The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,12(3), DOI: 10.1002/rcs.1679, pp. 528-537. (Impact Factor: 1.634) Published Link
  42. Gan LS, Zareinia K, Yang FW, Maddahi Y, Lama S, and Sutherland GR, (2015), “Quantification of Forces during a Neurosurgical Procedure: A Pilot Study,” World Neurosurgery, 84(2), Aug.2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.04.001, pp. 537-548. (Impact Factor: 1.723) Published Link
  43. Zareinia K and Sepehri N, (2015), “A Hybrid Haptic Sensation for Teleoperation of Hydraulic Manipulators,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 137(9), Sep. 2015, DOI: 10.1115/1.4030337, pp. 13. (Impact Factor: 1.466) Published Link
  44. Zareinia K, Maddahi Y, Ng C, Sepehri N, and Sutherland GR, (2015), “Performance Evaluation of Haptic Hand-controllers in a Robot-assisted Surgical System,” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 11(4), DOI: 10.1002/rcs.1637, pp. 486-501. (Impact Factor: 1.634) Published Link
  45. Sutherland GR, Maddahi, Y, Gan LS, Lama S, and Zareinia K, (2015), “Robotics in Neurosurgical Treatment of Glioma,” Surgical Neurology International, 6(Suppl 1), DOI: 10.4103/2152-7806.151321, pp. S1-8. (Impact Factor: 0.97) Published Link
  46. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, and Sepehri N, (2015), “An Augmented Virtual Fixture to Improve Task Performance in Robot-assisted Live-line Maintenance,” Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, ELSEVIER, 43(C), April 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2014.07.006, pp. 292-305. (Impact Factor: 1.747) Published Link
  47. Marcus H, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Yang FW, Lama S, Yang GZ, and Sutherland GR, (2014), “Forces Exerted during Microneurosurgery: A Cadaver Study,” International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 10(2), DOI: 10.1002/rcs.1568, pp. 251-256. (Impact Factor: 1.634) Published Link
  48. Zareinia K, Maddahi Y, Sepehri N, Olson T, and Mueller W, (2014), “Unilateral Control of Teleoperated Hydraulic Manipulators for Live-line Maintenance: Comparative Study,” International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 29(2), DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2014.2.206-3872, pp. 3872-3912. (Impact Factor: 0.674) Published Link
  49. Sutherland GR, Wolfsberger S, Lama S, and Zareinia K, (2013), “The Evolution of neuroArm,” Neurosurgery, 72(Suppl 1), DOI: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e318270da19, pp. A27-A32. (Impact Factor: 4.475) Published Link
  50. Sutherland GR, Lama S, Gan LS, Wolfsberger S, and Zareinia K, (2013), “Merging Machines with Microsurgery: Clinical Experience with neuroArm,” Journal of Neurosurgery, 118(3), DOI: 10.3171/2012.11.JNS12877, pp. 521-529. (Impact Factor: 4.318) Published Link
  51. Zareinia K and Sepehri N, (2012), “Lyapunov Stable Displacement-mode Haptic Manipulation of Hydraulic Actuators: Theory and Experiment,” International Journal of Control, Taylor & Francis,85(9), DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2012.683811, pp. 1313-1326. (Impact Factor: 2.930) Published Link
  52. Zareinia K, Sepehri N, and Wu Q, (2012), “A Lyapunov Controller for Haptic Control of Hydraulic Actuators,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 22(3), DOI:10.1002/rnc.1680, pp. 241-261. (Impact Factor: 3.953) Published Link
  53. Zareinia K, Yazdanpanah Goharrizi A, Sepehri N, and Fung W, (2009), “Experimental Evaluation of Bilateral Control Schemes Applied to Hydraulic Actuators: a Comparative Study,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, DOI:10.1139/tcsme-2009-0027,33(3), pp. 377-398. (Impact Factor: 0.353) Published Link


  1. Khan S, Basirat A, and and Zareinia K, (2023), “Advancements in Hand Health Management: Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment with a Cutting-Edge Sensor-Based Glove,” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial  Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA-2023), Submitted. 
  2. Khan S, Kaushik P, Khan YA, Basirat A, and Zareinia K, (2023), “Mitigating Truck Driver Fatigue: A Driver Sleepiness Detecting System,” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial  Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA-2023), Submitted. 
  3. Nayyeri P, Conrad-Baldwin E, and Zareinia K, (2023), “Design and Development of a Novel Haptic Device for Plucked Musical Instrument AR Simulation,” in 2023 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Accepted.
  4. Nayyeri P, Bougherara H, and Zareinia K, (2023), “Development of a Robotic Additive Manufacturing Framework for Fused Deposition Modeling: Technical Considerations,” in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR’23), Ottawa, Canada, June 01-03, 2023. 
  5. L’Orsa R, Madeleine de Lotbiniere-Bassett, Zareinia K, Lama S, Westwick D, Sutherland GR, and Kuchenbecker KJ, (2022), “Semi-automated Robotic Pleural Cavity Access in Space,” in 1st Canadian Space Health Research Symposium 2022, Poster Presentation, November 17th-18th, 2022.
  6. L’Orsa R, Zareinia K, Westwick D, Sutherland GR, and Kuchenbecker KJ, (2022), “A Sensorized Needle-Insertion Device for Characterizing Percutaneous Thoracic Tool-Tissue Interactions,” in The 14thHamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (HSMR2022), Imperial College London, 26th – 29th June 2022, London, UK, No. 7996, EasyChair, 2022. Published Link
  7. Abdulhafiz I, Nazari A, Abbasi-Hashemi T, Jalali A, Zareinia K, Saeedi S, and Janabi-Sharifi F, (2022), “Deep Direct Visual Servoing of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots,”  2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2022), Mexico City, Mexico, August 20-24, 2022, pp. 1977-1984. Published Link
  8. Torabi A, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2020), “Redundant Haptic Interfaces for Enhanced Force Feedback Capability Despite Joint Torque Limits,” 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, July 6-10, 2020, pp. 322-328. (Best Paper Finalist Award, $400 Prize). DOI: 10.1109/AIM43001.2020.9158995 . Published Link
  9. Arif A, Patel T, Shoaib T, and Zareinia K, (2020), “Design and Development of a High-force Haptic Device for Interaction with a Virtual Environment,” 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Poster Presentation, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-10.
  10. Moumneh A, Asad A, Jamil U, Asaad S, and Zareinia K, (2020), “HAPTEL: Gesture Controlled Teleoperation System Complete with a Wearable Pneumatically Controlled Haptic Device,” 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Poster Presentation, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-10.
  11. Abdulhafiz I and Zareinia K, (2020), “Vision-based Object Manipulation Scheme for Robotic (Prosthetic) Hand,” 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Poster Presentation, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-10.
  12. Vishway C, Hidru T, Sarkissian S, Singarajah K, and Zareinia K, (2020), “Haptic Feedback Controlled Robot for Maneuvering in Large Spaces Engulfed by Fire,” 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Poster Presentation, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-10.
  13. Torabi A, Khadem M, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2019), “Null-Space Control of Redundant Haptic Interface for Enhancing Soft-Tissue Stiffness Discrimination,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019), ICRA Workshop, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2893606 Published Link
  14. Samadikhoshkho Z, Zareinia K, andJanabi-Sharifi F, (2019), “A Brief Review of Robotic Grippers Classifications,” IEEE Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2019), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 5-8. Published Link
  15. Torabi A, Khadem M, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Tavakoli M, (2019), “Application of a Redundant Haptic Interface in Enhancing Soft-Tissue Stiffness Discrimination,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019), Montreal, Canada, May 20-24. Published Link
  16. Torabi A, Khadem M, Zareinia K, Sutherland GR, and Tavakoli M, (2018), “Manipulability of Teleoperated Surgical Robots with Application in Design of Master/Slave Manipulators,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 1-3. Published Link
  17. Ng C, Zareinia K, Sun Q, and Kuchenbecker KJ, (2017), “Stiffness Perception during Pinching and Dissection with Teleoperated Haptic Forceps,” 26thIEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Lisbon, Portugal, August 28-31. Published Link
  18. Azimaee P, Jozani MJ, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2017), “Calibration of an Instrumented Surgical Forceps using Bootstrap Technique: A Comparative Study,” 40th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC40), Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 23-26. Published Link
  19. Ng C, Zareinia K, Sutherland GR, Ranjan M, Hoshyarmanesh H, Lama S, and Sun Q, (2017), “Motion Smoothness as a Performance Metric for Haptic Hand Controllers,” VIATC 2017, Vibration Institute Annual Training Conference, Rochester, NY, USA, June 13-16. Published Link
  20. Hoshyarmanesh H, Madieh H, Lama S, Maddahi Y, Sutherland GR, and Zareinia K, (2017), “Laser Registration and Supervisory Control of neuroArm Robotic Surgical System,” ICBB 2017, 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 7-8. Published Link
  21. Peterson D, Zareinia K, Sutherland G, and Federico S, (2017), “Endoscopic Robotic Tool System for Project neuroArm,” Proceedings of the 26th CANCAM, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 29-June 1.
  22. Maddahi Y, Huang Jo, Huang Ja, Gan LS, Hoshyarmanesh H, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Real-time Measurement of Tool-tissue Interaction Forces in Neurosurgery: Quantification and Analysis,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM2016, Banff, Canada, July 12-16. Published Link
  23. Wang KC, Grant K, Sun Q, Gan LS, Zareinia K, Lama S, Sutherland GR, and Maddahi Y, (2015), “Development of an Instrumented Surgical Setup for Quantifying Position and Force of Surgical Dissection,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2015), Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 7, November 13-19. Published Link
  24. Brideau C, Zareinia K, and Stys P, (2015), “Applied 3D Printing for Microscopy in Health Science Research,” Proceedings of SPIE 9329, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XV, 93292X (March 5, 2015); DOI: 10.1117/12.2079659. Published Link
  25. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Lama S, Sutherland GR, and Sepehri N, (2015), “Positional and Force Characteristics of neuroArm Robotic Manipulators: A Pilot Study,” International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 7-8.
  26. Maddahi Y, Greene M, Gan LS, Hirmer T, L’Orsa R, Lama S, Sutherland GR, and Zareinia K, (2014), “Performance Evaluation of a Surgical Telerobotic System using Kinematics Indices of the Master Hand-Controller,” Eurohaptics2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26. Published Link
  27. L’Orsa R, Zareinia K, Macnab C, and Sutherland GR, (2014), “Comparison of Multimodal Notifications during Telesurgery,” Eurohaptics2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26. Published Link
  28. Marcus HJ, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Yang F, Lama S, Yang GZ, and Sutherland GR, (2013), “Surgical Instrument Forces Exerted during Robot-assisted Neurosurgery: A Cadaver Study,” The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, Imperial College London, UK, pp. 71-72, June 22-25. Published Link
  29. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Olson T, Mueller W, and Sepehri N, (2013), “Live-line Maintenance Training using Robotics Technology,” IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC2013), The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, Daejeon, Korea, pp. 587-592. Published Link
  30. L’Orsa R, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Macnab C, and Sutherland G, (2013), “Potential Tissue Puncture Notification during Telesurgery,” International Conference on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, HAID2013, pp. 30-39. Published Link
  31. Zareinia K and Sepehri N, (2011), “Position-mode Haptic-based Control of Teleoperated Hydraulic Actuators,” ASME 4th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Arlington, Virginia, USA, DSCC2011-6139, pp. 85-92, October 31st – November 2nd. Published Link
  32. Esfandiari M, Zareinia K, Fung WK, and Sepehri N, (2010), “Performance Evaluation of Three Schemes Applied to Bilateral Control of a Hydraulic Actuator Interacting with Deformable Environments,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2010), Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 1148-53. Published Link
  33. Zareinia K, Sepehri N, Olson T, and Mueller W, (2010), “Haptic-Enabled Control of Hydraulic Manipulators Applied to Power Line Maintenance: Concept and Implementation,” IEEE International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI 2010), Montreal, Canada, pp. 6, October 5-7. Published Link
  34. Zareinia K, Sepehri N, Olson T, and Mueller W, (2010), “Haptic-enabled Control of Hydraulic Manipulators Applied to Power Line Maintenance,” Proceedings of 6th FPNI-PhD Symposium, West Lafayette, USA, pp. 633-642, June 15-19. Published Link
  35. Zareinia K, Goharrizi AY, Sepehri N, and Fung WK, (2009), “Experimental Evaluation of Two Bilateral Control Schemes Applied to a Tele-operated Hydraulic Actuator,” ASME 2nd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Hollywood, CA, USA, DSCC2009-2634, pp. 353-359, October 12-14. Published Link
  36. Zareinia K, Yang X, Irani P, and Sepehri N, (2009), “Evaluating Factors that Influence Path Tracing with Passive Haptic Guidance,” 4th International Conference on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, HAID2009, Springer Verlag, Dresden, Germany, 5763 LNCS, pp. 21-30, September 10-11. Published Link
  37. Zareinia K and Ashourian M, (2006), “Quality Measurement of Compressed and Digitized Persian Sign Language Videos,” Proceedings of Regional Conference of Electrical Engineering (RCEE2006), Gonabad, Iran, pp. 123-126.
  38. Zareinia K, (2005), “Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Tuning of PID Controller Parameters,” Proceedings of Regional Conference of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Majlesi Branch, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 107-110.


  1. Huang Ja, Huang Jo, Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Chan S, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Development of a Brain Model in a Virtual Environment for Use in Neurosurgical Simulators,” BHSc Research Symposium, poster presentation, University of Calgary.
  2. Huang Jo, Huang Ja, Maddahi Y, Gan LS, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2016), “Real-Time Measurement of Tool-tissue Interaction Forces in Neurosurgery: Quantification and Analysis,” BHSc Research Symposium, poster presentation, University of Calgary.
  3. Lama S, Maddahi Y, Gan LS, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2015), “Robotics in the Treatment of Glioma,” Hamlyn Robotic Symposium Workshop Imperial College, London, UK, June 20.
  4. Lama S, Maddahi Y, Gan LS, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2015), “Image-guided Robotics in the Treatment of Glioma,” Intra-operative Imaging Society (IOIS) Conference, Gurgaon, India, February 13.
  5. Grant K, Wang KC, Sun Q, Gan LS, Zareinia K, Lama S, Sutherland GR, and Maddahi Y, (2014), “Quantifying Mechanical Properties of Brain Tissue using an Instrumented Setup,” Hotchkiss Brain Institutes Research Symposium, Calgary, Canada, October 10.
  6. Maddahi Y, Zareinia K, Sepehri N, and Sutherland GR, (2014), “Functional MRI-compatible Haptic Interface for Robot-assisted Neurosurgery,” Mechanical Engineering Poster Competition, Winnipeg, Canada, October 7.
  7. Wang KC, Grant K, Sun Q, Gan LS, Zareinia K, Lama S, Sutherland GR, and Maddahi Y, (2014), “Quantifying Mechanical Properties of Brain Tissue using an Instrumented Setup,” Health Sciences Research Symposium, Calgary, Canada, August 11.
  8. Greene MR, Hirmer T, Zareinia K, Sutherland GR, (2013), “Evaluation of Haptic Controller Dexterity with Regards to Driving Surgical Performance in Teleoperated Robot-assisted Surgery” Proceedings of the 5th Annual University of Calgary Leaders in Medicine Research Symposium.



  • Sutherland GR, Zareinia K, Gan LS, Hirmer T, and Lama S, “Bipolar Forceps with Force Measurement”, US20150005768 A1, Pending.
  • Sutherland GR, Hoshyarmanesh H, Lama S, and Zareinia K, “Microsurgery-specific Haptic Hand Controller”, Provisional Application Number 62611024, Submitted.


  • PhD: “Haptic-enabled Teleoperation of Hydraulic Manipulators: Theory and Application”
  • MSc: “Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Tuning of Multivariable PID Controllers”

Book Chapter

  • Cossetto TY, Zareinia K, and Sutherland GR, (2012), “Robotics for Neurosurgery,” In: Medical Robotics, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 59-77.