Graduate Studies

Research Projects

The Zareinia’s Group currently accepts applications for MASc and PhD admissions.

Prospective Undergraduate Research Assistants (RAs)

Ryerson undergraduate students with a cumulative GPA of B+ or higher should email Dr. Zareinia and attach a CV and (unofficial) transcript. Please identify which areas of our research you are interested in. Note that for summer RAs, funding is often available from NSERC and/or Ryerson, however, application deadlines are early. Please contact Dr. Zareinia in January if you are interested in a summer RA.

Prospective Master’s Students

Currently, Dr. Zareinia does NOT accept international Master’s students and only Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada are encouraged to apply. Potential domestic Masters students should email Dr. Zareinia and attach a CV. In the email text, include the following information in bullet form:

  • Area(s) of Dr. Zareinia’s research in which you are interested.
  • Undergraduate Institution and year of graduation (or expected year of graduation).
  • Country where you did your Bachelor’s degree and the rank of university in that country.
  • A list of any publications or conference papers/presentations (this is not a requirement).
  • Cumulative Bachelor’s GPA (do not convert from the scale used at your home university).
  • GPA in your last two completed years (do not convert from the scale used at your home university).

NOTE: An English proficiency exam might be required. For more information, see This requirement cannot be waived. If you do not meet this requirement, please do not apply or send emails.

All prospective students must apply formally to the in the Formal applications should be received and completed by January for Fall admission to ensure your application is evaluated early and considered before offers are made, however, application are accepted throughout the year for other admission cycles if possible.

Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents who are admitted to the MASc program will receive full funding which will cover tuition and minimum living expenses. Currently, there is no funding available for international MASc students.

In the past, funding packages have included:

  • Stipend: approx. $10,000 per year
  • Scholarship: $6000 per year for domestic students
  • Teaching Assistantship: approximately $6000-$8000 per year (not guaranteed and partly by a competitive basis)

For tuition fees see:

Prospective PhD Students

Potential PhD students should email Dr. Zareinia and attach a CV. In the email text, include the following information in bullet form:

  • Area(s) of Dr. Zareinia’s research in which you are interested.
  • Undergraduate and Master’s Institutions and years of graduation (or expected year of graduation).
  • Country where you did/do your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and the rank of university in that country.
  • A list of any publications submitted, accepted, or published, and the impact factors of the respective journals. Do NOT include publications in journals that do not have stated impact factors. The Impact Factors should be based on the Journal Citation Reports© (JCR) by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters). Do NOT include any other impact factors defined by other sources. Do NOT include any conference publications. You can include a complete list of your publications in your CV.
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s GPAs (do not convert from the scale used at your home university, but mention that scale).

NOTE: An English proficiency exam might be required. For more information, see This requirement cannot be waived. If you do not meet this requirement, please do not apply or send emails.

All prospective students must apply formally to the in the  Formal applications should be received and completed by January for Fall admission to ensure your application is evaluated early and considered before offers are made, however, application are accepted throughout the year for other admission cycles if possible.

All PhD students will receive funding which will cover tuition and minimum living expenses.

In the past, funding packages have included:

  • Stipend: approximately $18,000 per year
  • Scholarship: $8000 per year for domestic students
  • Scholarship: $13,000 per year for international students
  • Teaching Assistantship: approximately $6000-$8000 per year (not guaranteed and partly by a competitive basis)

For tuition fees see:

Prospective Postdoctoral Scholars

Potential Postdoctoral scholars should email Dr. Zareinia and attach a CV. In the email text, include the following information:

  • Area(s) of Dr. Zareinia’s research in which you are interested.
  • Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD Institutions and years of graduation (or expected year of graduation).
  • Country where you did your Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees.
  • A list of any publications submitted (submission number is required), accepted (acceptance date is required), or published (publication date is required), and the impact factors of the respective journals. Do NOT include publications in journals that do not have stated impact factors. The Impact Factors should be based on the Journal Citation Reports© (JCR) by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters). Do not include any other impact factors defined by other sources. Do NOT include any conference publications. You can include a complete list of your publications in your CV.
  • Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD GPAs (do not convert from the scale used at your home university, but mention that scale).
  • The main contribution(s) of your PhD studies.

Travel Grants for Graduate Students

A variety of funding sources are available for graduate students to attend conferences.

  • Up to $500 from the RSU. See: RSU
  • Up to $500 from the YSGS. See: YSGS
  • Up to $1000 from the ICRSF.
  • TAs/GAs have $500 per year from CUPE which can be allocated toward conference travel.